Posts by ‘pd’

September Feedback

“You gave an awesome presentation to the students and parents.  A couple of students came up to me a couple days later and said that we need more presentations like this that are fact based and tells it as it is!”  Chris Bzdel, Vice Principal,  St Anthony’s School, Drumheller, Alberta

“Another great presentation by Paul Davis.” OAPCE President, Chaminade College, Toronto Ontario

“Thanks for the presentations.  Rave Reviews, as Expected!” Graeme Finlay, Principal –  Westmount Charter, Calgary, Alberta

“We got fantastic feedback from the teachers and I have shared all your resources.  I have also recommended you to numerous schools.”  Lise Medd, Principal, George Webster PS, Toronto, Ontario

Ottawa Ontario

Sunday, September 30, 2019

Parents & Students

paul davis social media

Mothers & Daughters

September 15, 2019

174 Mothers and Daughters attended my session on a Sunday afternoon in Calgary

paul davis socia media