Posts by ‘pd’

Calgary French & International School

September 12, 2016

Awesome first day in #yyc at the Calgary French & International School.

Two students sessions, a teacher in-service and an incredible parent audience!

Thank You!

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St Catherine of Siena, Woodbridge

September 9, 2016

Third day in a row at a York Catholic District School Board – School.

I was invited back to St Catherine of Siena today speaking with students only.

Excellent session with the Grade 7/8s – very interactive.

paul davis social media

Our Lady of the Rosary, Concord

September 8, 2016

A pleasure speaking to the students at Our Lady of the Rosary in Concord, Ontario.

Thank You to the teacher, who saw me at her son’s school that asked me to visit her teaching school (OLR)


St Mary of the Angels, Vaughan

September 7, 2016

I being the New School Year at St Mary of the Angels in Vaughan Ontario.

Not only two excellent sessions with students – but a tremendous parent audience on a night that registered 33.5 degrees – it was HOT.  Thank You parents for staying 90min+ with only fans to circulate the air!

Big Thanks to parent council and the Principal (how had me at her school last year).

Samsung Canada

August 16, 2016

Today was Samsung Canada’s – Sons and Daughters Day.

I had the honour of being the opening speaker to staff and their children on the topic of Social Networking Safety & Online Safety.  Further to my presentation – one of the attendees wrote on his facebook page:

“Had the pleasure of listening to Paul speak yesterday. If you have kids, I can’t urge you strongly enough to attend one of his presentations. I considered (past tense intentional) my self reasonably Web- and tech-savvy and had my mind blown by how little I actually knew about my family’s online security. Common sense rules the day, but you don’t know what you don’t know.”

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C3TC 2016 – Loyola Marymount University

August 9/10

Los Angeles, California

Two awesome days and two sessions at C3TC 2016 – Loyola Marymount University

A great privilege to be asked to speak to teachers and Principals who make up the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

The Utility Contractors Association of Ontario

July 25, 2016

At the famous JW Marriott The Rosseau in Muskoka today for my presentation to The Utility Contractors Association of Ontario.

Thanks for this great honour to speak with your delegates and their families on the topic of online safety and social media.

Mr Brown and I following the 90min presentation.

paul davis social media

Sir Wilfrid Laurier Public School – YRDSB

June 21, 2016

Sir Wilfrid Laurier Public School – the reason today happened?  A parent who saw me at another school in 2015 was able book one of the last school days for her school – and today was the day.

Excellent students sessions, followed by a full house this evening of parents in Markham, Ontario.

Thank You!

St. Agnes Catholic School

June 20, 2016

St. Agnes Catholic School in Brampton today.

A huge thanks to Parent Council for making this day happen, and to the parents who attended this evening.

The two giant fans kept the air circulating, so parents kept cool in the heat.


J.D. Hogath P.S.

June 16, 2016

I returned to Fergus Ontario today and visited J.D. Hogath P.S.

An EXCELLENT Grade 7/8 student session – very interactive.

Thank You to an equally engaging parent audience tonight for attending, and putting up with the heat of summer.