Posts by ‘pd’

Chester Elementary School

June 15, 2016

Thank You to Chester Elementary in Toronto for allowing me to speak with your students and parents today.


Aldergrove PS, Markham

June 14, 2016

A parent who saw me last year, at her children’s previous school asked me to visit her new school – Aldergrove PS.  I Thank You for that honour, and also for being asked back in two years!   Awesome!!!

Second Street PS

June 13, 2016

Second Street PS in Toronto today speaking with students and parents.

I am honoured to receive this wonderful quote:

“Paul presented to us 2 years ago and we asked him to come back again because we have heard many different internet safety presentations over the years, but Paul’s is by far the best.  He doesn’t sugar coat it – he tells it like it is and we need to hear it like it is in order to stay safe.”  B Tratnik –  VP, Second Street PS, Toronto

St Peter The Apostle, Parry Sound

June 9, 2016

My first visit to Parry Sound, Ontario was at St Peter The Apostle school.

Thanks for the opportunity to speak with your students and parents today, in your lovely community.

Kemptville Ontario

June 6/7/8

Three Days – Nine Schools!

Thank You to the Ontario Provincial Police for inviting me to speak with the community of Kemptville Ontario.

The most taxing three days speaking to students from Grade 4 to 12, and to parents – and the MOST rewarding.

Thank You for an awesome engagement!

Diamond Trail PS, Welland

June 3, 2016

A unique day at Diamond Trail in Welland this Friday.

A Student session, followed by a Parent Session Lunch & Learn, followed by my senior student session.

Back to back to back.  Thank You!

St James

June 2, 2016

Stop #2 today, a return visit to the staff, students and parents at St James, in St Catharines Ontario.

Thanks for the honour of inviting me back to speak with your community.

Ridgeway Crystal Beach HS, Fort Erie

June 2, 2016

My day in Niagara starts off speaking to High School students at Ridgeway Crystal Beach.  A fast-paced and intense presentation on Accountability and Responsibility.

An excellent group of students.


Anne Frank PS

June 1, 2016

Two student sessions today at Anne Frank, followed by a full house of parents this evening.  Great marketing by the school and council to work on getting community support.

Side note:  A mom who saw me last night at Pine Grove, brought her husband to tonight’s presentation so they can both be on the same page with technology and their children.

Pine Grove, Woodbridge

May 31, 2016

Great to be back in Woodbridge and Pine Grove PS (YDSB).

What was awesome about today? The Principal at Pine Grove has now invited me to his THIRD school in five years.  I really appreciate the support of my message.  Thanks for a great day