Holy Trinity, Guelph
April 11, 2016
Big Thanks to Mr Goodwin, the Principal who asked me to return and speak with his community once again.
An excellent day with Students & Parents!
April 11, 2016
Big Thanks to Mr Goodwin, the Principal who asked me to return and speak with his community once again.
An excellent day with Students & Parents!
April 8, 2016
Great to return to St Matthias in Toronto today. Two very small groups of students for each session.
Friday night, and the parents of St Matthias joined me in hearing their message. Thank You for spending your evening with me.
April 7, 2016
Great to return to St Michael in Corkery Ontario!
The students impressed me with their retention of my message, from my last visit.
Excellent parent support this evening, in this small community outside of Ottawa.
April 6, 2016
Thank You to Proud To Be Me for inviting me to speak with students today, and then this evening to Parents from all over Ottawa.
Additional Thanks to Councillor Allan Hubley (Kanata) and Officer Le from Ottawa Police for your support.
April 5, 2016
One of my three stops today was to CTV News Ottawa. Thanks for the opportunity to join you in studio.
April 5, 2016
This afternoon I visited St Clare, in Orleans.
One session to the Grade 4/5/6, and then the parents this evening.
I want to thank the parents for putting up with my voice tonight – I have no sick days, and could not cancel on you.
April 5, 2015
This morning I visited the Grade 7/8 students at Hadley Jr High,
450 very attentive students with excellent Q&A.
April 4, 2016
Honoured to be asked back by the Ontario Provincial Police to Renfrew Ontario to speak with three schools.
This evening, we had over 100 people from the town attend the parent presentation. Amazing.
” Wow! My staff and students were very impressed with the presentation today.
Thank you for inviting them to attend. Many thanks” Connie, Principal
March 31, 2016
My second visit to Our Lady of Sorrows in three years.
Thank You to Principal Genova for inviting me back. I took extra time to visit the Grade 7/8 classrooms after my session to them, for more personalized Q&A.
Parent audience tonight: Tremendous. Larger than two years ago. Excellent community support.
March 30, 2016
WOW! What a day, Five Presentations / Two Schools
Thank You to Mr Arghiutti at St Paul for inviting me back this year, and also introducing me to Notre Dame.
This evenings partnership of schools, brought an excellent parent audience out, to support the message their students received earlier today.