Posts by ‘pd’

“Your Presentation was an awakening”

“Your presentation was an awakening for us! Many students approached me in the days that followed your presentation to tell me that you made a real impression on them. Some even went home to tell their parents that they wanted help deleting some of the apps that were on their phone. But the biggest impact was on the parents. You could see them change in their demeanour during the presentation. They all walked away from your presentation with a new perspective on the technology that we so quickly let into our lives. Thank you for giving us the tools to empower our children online and how to use this incredible technology in a meaningful and safe way!” Cherylynne McKee, Principal St. Jude’s/Scholars’ Hall, Kitchener Ontario

Kenora Catholic DSB Professional Development Day

“Hi Paul, Thank YOU again so much for the amazing presentation. We continued to get great feedback from the participants throughout the week. The area of online safety, social media and security is obviously of interest to our staff and the format and framing that you used in your delivery was very captivating.”

Jared Ralko, Learning Technologies Coordinator, Kenora Catholic DSB, September 2021

Honoured to Share!

“It was our sincere pleasure to welcome back Mr. Paul Davis to our school for his engaging and highly relevant, virtual presentation on Online Safety for our students, staff, parents and guardians! His thorough and comprehensive understanding of the key issues currently facing our students made this presentation critical, at this time of increased online activity. Our parent community response to this informative session was extremely positive and appreciative, as many communicated that the information and key tips were useful and insightful in helping them navigate the online world safely, together with their children. Thank you Paul, for your dedication and passion for empowering us with the knowledge we need to make informed choices, and helping our students stay safe online, while enjoying the benefits of technology and the opportunities that it offers. At Divine Mercy, we encourage Digital Discipleship. Your presentation helped us in guiding our students to responsible, moral and ethical technology usage, promoting online safety and digital well-being. In your presentation you advise to always know your “friends.” Paul, you are always a true friend of the staff and students at Divine Mercy. Thank You!”  Vicky Iannetta, Principal, Divine Mercy, York Catholic District School Board

Lower Canada College, Montreal Quebec

Paul Davis presented to our students from grades 3-6 and parents. His style is engaging, fast-paced, direct and informative. He shared pitfalls of technology, how children can protect themselves, and how they can continue to use it safely. Students took copious notes and ask pertinent questions. His parent presentation opened with concrete steps about how to support their child’s social-emotional well-being and their relationship with technology by making one small change to their policies at home in addition to many other helpful safety tips. His presentation was thought-provoking and generated much discussion. Thank you, Paul!   Alison Wearing, Junior School Director, Lower Canada College , Directrice de l’école primaire – Montreal, Quebec

“A wealth of knowledge”

“Paul has a wealth of knowledge to share with his audience! He encourages participants to evaluate their online presence and to protect themselves. Paul’s strategy is to present facts and allow participants to apply what they have learned to their own online behaviour. We will definitely invite Paul to address our students again in the future”  Linda Watson,  Director of Technology Integration & Innovation, HILLFIELD STRATHALLAN COLLEGE – Hamilton Ontario