Posts in Category ‘Events’

Holy Name & Immaculate Conception, Ancaster

May 16, 2016

Ancaster Ontario.

Immaculate Conception in the morning & Holy Name in the afternoon.

This evening I returned at IC for a great parent audience from both schools.

Thank You to both Principals who worked for 11months to arrange this successful day in your community.

Stephen Leacock, Toronto

May 13, 2016

Friday the 13th – back in Toronto after a four hour drive, to Stephen Leacock.

Two presentations to over 1000 students from three schools

A great way to end my week.  Thank You

Holy Name, Essex

May 12, 2016

My fifth school in the Windsor-Essex area (in three days) was Holy Name.

I met the Principal at a conference 1.5years ago, and was honoured to be asked to speak with her community.

Thanks for a great day with students and parents.

Jack Minor PS, Kingsville

May 11, 2016

Second stop today was  my third visit to Jack Minor in four years.  A great community in Kingsville Ontario.

Our best parent audience yet.  I look forward to returning in October of 2017!!

École St-Michel, Leamington

May 11, 2016

Thank You to École St-Michel for inviting me to speak at your school today.

The Principal first saw me at his previous school three years ago, and asked me to address his students in Leamington, Ontario.  An excellent group!

L.A. Desmarais, Windsor

May 10, 2016

Second stop today is L.A. Desmarais (my third visit in three years!)

Thanks to an awesome Principal for hosting me again with students and parents.

Notre Dame, Windsor

May 10, 2016

First stop in Windsor is Notre Dame School.

Parents attended both student presentations today.  It worked out very well for this community.

Interesting to see parent reaction to student responses..

St John Chrysostom, York Catholic

May 9, 2016

In Newmarket today visiting St John Chrysostom.

Thank You to the Principal who finally got me to her school (and now she’s retiring!)

It was a great day with students and parents.

paul davis social media

Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education

May 7, 2016

A lovely Saturday for a conference!  Madonna High School in Toronto – filled with history.

The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education  #OAPCE77

I presented to two parent audiences today.

Thank You for this wonderful opportunity.


Holland Chatsworth

May 6, 2016

Another Friday with students – today at Holland Chatsworth Central Public School

And Friday night / Date Night with parents of the community.