Posts in Category ‘Events’
Delivering Virtually
Live Presentations in a Pandemic
September 20, 2020 / Calgary Alberta
Global News / Cyberbullying
September 2020
Looks to be a mostly Virtual Month with Back to School and my Presentations
I will be hosting live in-person sessions in Calgary & Ottawa in the coming weeks

Paul Davis Book Release
16pages / Magazine Format
$10.00 including delivery in Canada/USA
Email: paul (@) for payment
Thank You Global News Toronto
Online Safety interview with Jennifer Valentyne
“Holding the attention span of one teenager, let alone 400 of them is a testimony to how relevant, current and thought provoking your content is. We look forward to working with you again.” Leo Ralph, Chair / Crime Stoppers of York Region
When Your Email Looks Like This!
Sick Kids Toronto Fundraiser
Honoured to be a 2020 Sponsor of Friends Helping Sick Kids in Toronto