Recent Feedback From Principals / Educators & More!
February 2025
“Once again you gave a fantastic presentation.” Kimberley Tavares, Ph.D, OCT – Coordinating Vice Principal, University of Toronto Schools
“Thank you so much for your impactful presentation. We really appreciated it. ” Kelly Iggers, Annette Street Public School, Toronto
“Thanks again for a thought-provoking presentation” – Teresa Castellarin| Principal Holy Trinity CSS, Oakville
“It was a pleasure having you join us last night at St. Cecilia. The parents were very appreciative of the informative presentation.” Lisa DeFranco Principal St. Cecilia Catholic School
“Good morning Paul, Thank you for coming to STA to present to the students and parents. It was very well received by both students and parents ” Isa Mandarino, Principal, St Thomas Aquinas, Toronto
“On behalf of the entire LFC team, I want to thank you for visiting the lycée and educating us. We surveyed our students, and they were all happy and impressed with the quality of your content” Pascal BEDROSSIAN, High School Dean of Students, Lycee Francais de Chicago Chicago Illinois
January 2025
“Hi Paul, Thank you. We are so grateful for a great morning on Tuesday! Jennifer Jeffries, Principal St Charles, Bradford Ontario
“Tremendous presentation!!! The impact is critical to keeping students safe and aware. Thanks for taking the time to present @ St. Monica Catholic School!” Chris Szent-Ivany, Principal. St. Monica Catholic School
“Thank you for doing an excellent job during the time you spent with our students.” John Gioia, Principal , St. John Vianney
“Paul, great meeting you last week. Great Presentation!” Jamie Price Principal. Huron Street Jr. Public School
“Parents said they found it very informative, helpful & that it has been their favourite power hour thus far! Cheer Sports Club, Toronto
“Paul Davis is kind of a legend at my house. My wife attended a presentation of his a few years back and couldn’t stop talking about it. She immediately followed him on Facebook and often mentions his posts. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to have Paul present at my school this year. The content in his presentation is appropriate, important, jarring and real! His way of presenting is attention grabbing; you could hear a pin drop during his time with my grade 7 & 8 group. The evening portion for parents was well-attended and I received great feedback. I highly recommend any school host a Paul Davis presentation so that he can share his wealth of knowledge on Social Media, Privacy and Online Safety.” Angelo Costa Principal, St. Mary, Grafton
December 2024
“Hi Paul, Thank you so much for visiting us on Friday. The Grade 7 and 8 students were enthralled by your presentation. I have never seen them so captivated for any length of time, let alone a 50-minute presentation. Thank you again,Cory and Karen” Karen Moffitt Vice-Principal Algonquin Ridge E.S.
Dear Paul, I am writing to express my heartfelt appreciation for the exceptional work you have done as a social media and internet safety expert. As the Principal of an elementary school in York Region, I have had the privilege of working with you over the past 10 years across four schools in both the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) and York Region District School Board (YRDSB). Additionally, I have had the pleasure of attending your presentations as a parent at my own children’s schools, and I can confidently say that your impact has been profound, both in our schools and at home. Your presentations are always meaningful and relevant, tailored to the unique needs of each community. You consistently ensure that your content is up-to-date and addresses the current challenges our students face in navigating the online world. Your ability to connect with both students and parents/guardians is remarkable, and the strategies you provide are practical and impactful. I have also seen firsthand the positive effect your work has had on my own children, influencing the strategies we use at home to foster safe and responsible online behaviour. Your commitment to maintaining an open line of communication before, during, and after your sessions has been incredibly helpful. You go above and beyond to offer support and guidance, ensuring that the resources you provide are timely and relevant.
Thank you for your dedication to making a lasting impact on the safety and well-being of students, both in our schools and in our homes. It has been a pleasure working with you, and I look forward to continuing our collaboration in the future.
Sincerely, Corey Birnbaum – Principal Blue Willow Public School
“Thank you Paul for the wonderful presentation” Anthony Naoum School Principal / Direction d’école St. Agatha
Hi Paul, Thank you so much for coming to our school. It was wonderful to see the students so engaged on this important topic and we are so pleased with our parent turn out. Mrs. Darian Austin, Vice Principal St. Paul’s Catholic School
November 2024
“Your presentation model of providing data and guidance was impactful for the three different audiences you addressed – parents, Grade 3-5 students and Grade 6-8 students. The feedback from students, parents, teachers and school leadership was very positive, and we all feel wiser for having been at your sessions. We have already discussed when we want to book you next.” Marco Zimbalatti, Director of Information Technology, The Sterling Hall School
“Paul is extremely professional. His presentation is one you don’t want to miss! It has been a great addition to our Academy & has made our families more aware of how to safely use Social Media and the devices that control it.” Airdrie Stars Hockey Club, Airdrie Alberta
“We always appreciate when you visit HVV” Linda Tasevski Principal Humber Valley Village PS
“Thanks for another wonderful presentation!” Louis Lim, Ed.D., Principal, Bur Oak Secondary School, York Region District School Board
“Thanks again for a captivating presentation” Ines Donato Legace Principal York Catholic District School Board, Our Lady of the Annunciation CES
“Thank you for your informative and insightful presentation this evening. I have already received a great deal of positive feedback.” Nino Montanari, Principal, St. Cyril Catholic Elementary School, Toronto Ontario
October 2024
“It was great to see you again. Your presentations were on point. We have checked with our students this morning and the vast majority of them followed up on their homework and shared their learning with their parents. I would highly recommend you to any of my colleagues who have yet to experience your presentation. Wishing you all the best” Peter Boross-Harmer, Principal, John Wanless, Toronto
“You could hear a pin drop” Corey Malone Principal St. Michael School Guelph Ontario
“Thanks again for your amazing work!” Joanne Trim Vice Principal Cornell Village P.S. Markham, Ontario
“Thank you for coming last week. The students are still talking about it, so mission accomplished! Thank you so much again! Chantal B. Fortin Directrice ÉSC Renaissance
“It is always great to have you. Your message is so very important. Thank You so much” Romina Barone-Pace Principal, Blythwood JPS, Toronto District School Board
September 2024
“Once again, all three of your presentations were outstanding – incredibly important, relevant, accurate, and powerful! With much appreciation” Barbara Webber, Vice President Administration – Webber Academy, Calgary Alberta
“Always great to have you here” David Lee, Vice Principal, St. Michael’s College School (My Fifth Visit)
“It was great having you back at Armour! Thank you for another well received presentation.” Lisa Issenberg, Principal, Armour Heights Public School
“Hi Paul, Thanks for being with us on Monday. We’ve had great feedback from the kids and the adults.” Gina Grace, School Counsellor FFCA South Middle School, Calgary Alberta
“It was great to have you here. The presentation was impactful for all of our groups” ED POLHILL – Principal, EDGE SCHOOL FOR ATHLETES Calgary, Alberta
June 2024
“We had the pleasure of hosting Paul Davis this February at Etobicoke School of the Arts for a series of presentations on Social Media Safety. Paul delivered two impactful sessions, one for our junior students (grades 9 and 10) and another for our senior students (grades 11 and 12). Additionally, he conducted a session specifically for parents in the evening.
“Thank you so much Paul for coming to our school to share your expertise with our students and parents. I would say you had a big impact on our students as I heard many follow up conversations between students as they left the auditorium.we very much appreciate your message to our community ” Jason Steffler – Principal St. Thomas Aquinas High School, London, Ontario
“The feedback was amazing! there were so many opportunities for discussion and questions from students…they were blown away.” Kristina Burns, Principal, St. Mary Catholic Elementary School, Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
May 2024
“Thank you so much for your presentation today at Centennial P.S. in Waterloo. The students were the most engaged I have seen them this year for an assembly! Both staff and students left your presentation with a lot more knowledge on cyber safety and the impact their digital footprint leaves behind (both positive and negative). Thanks again for sharing your message through facts and your expertise.” Julie Turner Vice Principal Keatsway P.S./Centennial P.S. Waterloo Region District School Board
“Paul, Thank you. Love what you do, and the message you share. It is important and makes a difference.” Mr. J. Noonan, Principal St. Daniel School. Kitchener, Ontario
“The presentation was great!!! Thank you for all your expertise.” Tensy Kalaparambath Principal – St. Giovanni Scalabrini C.E.S, Mississauga
“Thank you very much for coming and teaching our school about internet safety. The feedback from my students, teachers and families was very positive” Heidi Cameron Armstrong, Principal. W.R. Best Memorial Public School
“Thank you for spending the day with our school community. I’ve already had reports from the teachers about kids discussing the different suggestions and facts that you presented today. Thanks for such an engaging, practical and eye opening talk.” Jennifer Starratt, Elementary Guidance Counsellor and Transition Support – Muskoka Community of Schools
“Thank You again, for a thoughtful and provoking session! Staff feedback from today was phenomenal. They really took to your session Kimberley Tavares, PhD, OCT Deputy Principal – University of Toronto Schools
“The feedback from my students, teachers and families was very positive” Heidi Cameron Armstrong, Principal, W.R. Best Memorial Public School
April 2024
“Seriously, it amazes me how you had 110 kids in that gym, and no one spoke! Always a pleasure listening to you. I will see you in 2025!” Emma Fera-Massi, Principal St. Michael Catholic School – Niagara on the lake, Ontario
“I absolutely loved your presentation in Huntsville a few weeks ago. It was affirming that we’re doing a lot of the right things, and gave some ideas for how to improve our programs” Amy Jones, Director of Youth Services YWCA Muskoka, Ontario
“Thank you for delivering three engaging informative sessions for the BGCDSB communities today.” Laura Fritz Keip, Principal Sacred Heart Catholic School, Mildmay Ontario
“I just wanted to take a minute to thank you once more for you visit yesterday. My students raved about your presentation afterwards and many of them came to tell me directly how important and necessary they thought your presentation was. I was thoroughly impressed, and I am very hopeful that you will return to speak to our older students next year!” Alexandra Gaudet École secondaire David-Saint-Jacques Kitchener, Ontario
“The presentation was amazing, (as always), and I learned new things (as always)” Tamara Bolotenko, Vice Principal of Citizenship / Directrice adjointe de la citoyenneté – Toronto French School
“Thank you so much for presenting at Winona Sr. PS today. It was definitely a very informative and engaging presentation for students, staff and me. ” Lucy Giannotta, Principal, Winona Drive Senior Public School, Toronto District School Board
March 2024
“I wanted to thank you again for the presentations you delivered yesterday. I have received very positive feedback from students, staff, and parents. You have presented very valuable information and I want to thank you for providing this to my school community”. Enrica Della Mea, Principal Sts. Cosmas and Damian Catholic School – Toronto, Ontario
“Thank you again for your great presentation yesterday evening. I won’t hesitate to share your contact information with my colleagues” Corinne Güngör / Head of School – French American School of Princeton, New Jersey
“Your visit was timely and valued” Allison Bobenic, Principal, Buffalo Rubbing Stone School – Calgary
“As always, the presentations were powerful and impactful!” Tricia Eddy, Principal A. Lorne Cassidy Elementary School, Stittsville, Ontario
February 2024
“Thank you Paul for visiting our school community on the importance of internet safety in this digital world of ours! Each of your presentations captivated the audiences with your messaging on being safe with social media. Students and parents were engaged and you definitely got us all thinking. You surely made a difference.” Giovanna Muscarella, Principal St. Albert C.S., Toronto, Ontario
“Paul had a captive audience. Students were so attentive that you can hear a pin drop. It was the same impact during the parent presentation. The parents were nodding throughout the presentation in agreement to the messages that were being delivered. Thank you. see you next year!” AILEEN PADUA, Principal GREEN GLADE MIDDLE SCHOOL – MISSISSAUGA, Ontario
“Incredible presentation last night with Paul Davis The statistics shared, realities exposed, and information learned last night was truly eye-opening”. Central Public School Council
“Thanks again for visiting OLG yesterday. You created quite the buzz here.” Fabrizio Grossi, Principal – Our Lady of Grace, Aurora, Ontario
“We have a very large senior school, with over five hundred Grade 7 and 8 students. Paul spoke to 600 staff and students, who were completely captivated by the information he was sharing. He was able to speak with authority and at an age-appropriate level for teenagers. Paul’s tone was firm and caring. He spoke without judgement, but made it very clear that social media can be weaponized to hurt others. His overall message was that if we keep kindness to everyone as our goal, society will thrive and that we have the power to choose our conduct both in person and online. Feedback from our staff and students has been overwhelmingly positive. By far, the best presentation I have seen on social media. We look forward to seeing you again, Paul.” Danielle Holden Principal Westheights Senior Public School, Kitchener, Ontario
“Great Presentation Today!!” Chris Szent-Ivany Principal St. Monica Catholic School Pickering, Ontario
January 2024
“Thanks again for an eye-opening and engaging presentation.” MaryCatherine Badali. Principal St. Bartholomew School,Toronto
“The feedback on the presentations was overwhelmingly positive. We appreciate your level of expertise mixed with your candor in delivery. Thanks, again, for sharing your time and knowledge with our school. We are all better for it. Mrs. S. Hales, Head of Middle School, TEMPO School, Edmonton Alberta
“Thanks for your wisdom and energy yesterday.” Kathryn Jones Principal, Colonel Walker School. Calgary Board of Education
“Thanks for everything on Friday! The presentation was very well received and appreciated by our parents. And the patties! They were pretty awesome too.” Sean Parenteau Principal OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY SCHOOL Calgary
“Hello Paul, Thank you for working with our community. Your message was well received by the students of St. Albert the Great who appreciated your message.” Nathan Easton, Principal ST. ALBERT THE GREAT SCHOOL, Calgary
“Thank you for coming to present! It’s an important message that we have to continually repeat. I always appreciate what you have to say.” Tara McGovern Principal ST MARGUERITE SCHOOL, Calgary
Paul Davis visited our school in late December 2023, and had such an impact on our community, both in and out of the classroom. Our students in Grades 4-8 learned about topics such as how technology actually works (IP addresses, data mining and ownership of your personal information and devices) as well as dangers that exist for children their age on the internet and through social media platforms. It was so refreshing to observe our students learning these important pieces of information from an adult other than their parents, and to see how candid and direct he was- these topics are not light, nor does Paul make them out to be! Students learned strategies and advice on topics such as protecting their location and privacy as well as the safest way to engage with social media if one chooses to.
Our Parent Education Evening that evening had many take-away’s – the importance of the word “no” in parenting our children in the age of technology, and the tools and boundaries parents need to put into place to ensure their safety. His talk changed my approach to my own kid’s use of screen time and social media, and I know it will for any parent out there willing to listen, reflect and put in the work! Julia Murray, Head of School – Royal Oak
MA Child Study and Education, BScH – Biology & Psychology, ECE diploma, OCT
December 2023
“I’ve known Paul Davis for about 8 years and his presentation on social media safety for parents and students is fantastic and informative. What a difference it has made knowing this information….keeping our students safe is our first priority. Thanks Paul! Karen Kandankery Principal, Toronto District School Board
“Thank-you for presenting to our students. The message was powerful about internet safety. I highly recommend this presentation” Eddie Proietti, Principal St. Martha Catholic School Toronto, Ontario
“Thanks for a great day of presentations” Pam McInnis. Principal. Nobleton Public School, Nobleton, Ontario
“The feedback from staff and students has been super positive. I hope to have you back again soon.” Sara McCormick , Vice Principal Jean Augustine Secondary School – Brampton Ontario
“Thank you Paul Davis, for speaking to our grades 4 to 6 and 7 & 8 students at St. Patrick, Schomberg. Thank you for offering students strategies they should use to protect their privacy online. Your presentation was very informative and much-needed! Clara Giulianelli. Principal, St. Patrick, Schomberg
“Thank you very much Paul, for an outstanding session”. Linda Massey. Associate Director of Principal Association Projects Toronto, Ontario
“Thanks again for coming out to talk at Grand Ave. Parent feedback has been very positive, and there has been some good conversation among staff and students. all the best in the new year!” Ronna Parkhouse Elementary Principal – Grand Ave Public School Grimsby, Ontario
November 2023
“Thanks again for the great presentations today. Some hard truths in there and lots of gratitude was heard from the parents who attended tonight” Anica Robinson. Principal, Chaparral School – Calgary, Alberta
“The parent session at Coalhurst Elementary School was terrific and eye opening for many of our parents. We will continue the conversation with our students in the days ahead.” Chris McIntyre, Principal – Coalhurst Elementary School, Coalhurst, Alberta
“The Bishop Allen students absolutely loved your presentations last year. I think that our parent community would definitely benefit from this presentation.” Lisa Tomeczek. Principal – Bishop Allen Academy Toronto, Ontario
“The learning today was important to me both as a principal and as a parent of teenagers. As a principal, I see the importance of working with families to ensure that our kids are safe online. As a parent, my kids behaviour and safety is my responsibility. The learning today gave us all specific next steps to ensure safety online.” Jacqueline Kurtz, Principal Cathy Wever School, Hamilton, Ontario
“Our parents and students enjoyed your talk and gained wonderful insight” Charlotte Traverse, Principal St. Mary’s School, Collingwood
“That was awesome!” Tracy Tait, Principal – Pioneer Park PS, Kitchener Ontario
“Thanks for coming to St Gabriel today. I have no doubt about the impact you had today on our students. Especially our grade 7 and 8’s. I have never seen them interact like that after a presentation. Thank you again for presenting in direct and factual manner! I know you made a difference today.” Bob Flanagan, Principal St. Gabriel School Windsor, Ontario
“As always, thank you for your time and sharing your wealth of knowledge this morning with our grades 6-8 students! Much appreciated! Annalise Sofia Starr, Principal – St Paul, Burlington Ontario
October 2023
“Paul, you made an impact! The students were talking about it yesterday. We will spread the word, thank you. Ana Carreiro-Neto Principal, Our Lady of Victory, TCDSB – Toronto
“Thanks again for yesterday.Your presentation to our Grade 4-5-6 classes was powerful and engaging. By sharing your knowledge and expertise, our students are more prepared to face the realities of the online world in a safer way. Julie Fram Greig Directrice/ Principal, Ecole Primaire de Wakefield – Wakefield Elementary School – Wakefield, Quebec
“Paul, Thanks so much! It was great information” Sue Defreyne Principal St. Cecilia’s Catholic Elementary School
September 2023
“Thank you so much for speaking at our conference! The feedback was extremely positive and it was talked about over and over for the remainder of the conference. So thank you for raising awareness to this.” Jennifer Borden, Alberta Association of Radiology Managers
“Our kids had some great discussions and follow up with the staff, it was super helpful!” Ashley Barber, M.Ed. Principal Foothills Academy Society
“Hi Paul, Thank you again for coming in. Your presentations are always very impactful for students and staff.” Michelle Eisen, Principal – Clearmeadow P.S., Newmarket, Ontario
“Paul, Thank you for your engaging presentation today.” Meike Thomsen Principal/Schulleiterin, Bowcroft School, Calgary
“Thank you very much for your presentations both yesterday and today. We are grateful for the information and expertise you shared, and eager to make some positive changes with students. Safe travels!” Alyson Moore, B.F.A., B.Ed., M.Ed. (she/her) Principal, Calgary Arts Academy The Art of Learning
July 2023
“Hello Paul, With appreciation for your informative and engaging session for staff. Much positive feedback was received.” Ms. Vesna Filiplic Principal, Father Henry Carr Catholic Secondary School
June 2023
“Thanks Paul.. The message was impactful and important.” Janet Reesor Principal. Tiger Jeet Singh PS, Milton Ontario
“Your dedication to our students’ well-being and safety is admirable!” Patti Catenacci B.A (Honors), B.Ed, M.Ed , Principal – St. Justin, Martyr CES
“Paul, thanks for such an informative and much needed presentation. Every school needs this on a regular basis” Jerome Trevena, Principal – Clairlea PS Toronto
“This is the fourth time I’ve heard Paul speak to both students and adults. In my career I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed a gym full of junior and intermediate students sit in absolute silence for such an extended period of time? You could literally hear a pin drop throughout the presentation. The information presented, as Paul states is just facts and he presents it in a manner that pulls absolutely no punches, the same can be said for his presentation to parents. The information is current and relevant and has evolved with the trends in social media and social networking. Very early in my career my principal told me “the most important thing we do in school is make sure everyone goes home safe at the end of the day, if we don’t do that we’ve failed”. The challenge nowadays for parents and educators to a degree, is how do they stay safe when they get home? Paul definitely gives parents and kids some tools and advice in how to do this. I would recommend Paul’s presentation to any school/school board who are interested in helping their students and parents more aware of how to stay safe online. ” Kevin Lamb, Principal. St. Peter Catholic Elementary School
“We thank you for making an impact at our school.” Patti Catenacci – Principal St. Justin, Martyr CES, Markham Ontario
May 2023
“Paul Davis takes the time to keep himself up to date with the latest trends, apps and online activities that our students are doing. He engages his audience quickly and provides them with facts and strategies on how to help themselves and others. I have welcomed Paul many times into my schools and each time I learn something new and it definitely supports, staff, parents and students when trying to safely navigate the online world our children spend so much time in.” Megan Egerton, Principal – Jack Donohue P.S. Kanata Ontario
“Our high school is a congregated special education setting. As such, all of our students have IEPs and special needs identifications requiring a certain level of accommodation when teaching new and important information. Mr Davis not only met this challenge, but exceeded expectations by presenting information appropriately gauged for teenagers’ interest, ability, and social capital levels, yet he simplified the language, both in his digital presentation and when speaking with the students so that nothing was inaccessible or unreachable. It is a very difficult task to do: engage without infantilizing or speaking over their heads. Thank you Mr Davis…some of the kiddos were following me around the school for hours later asking questions. Leanne McGuirk, OCT, RBT (qualifying), SFBT (She/Her). Maplewood High School, Toronto District School Board
“Thank you so much for the presentations both at our schools and for the parents. The overall feedback was extremely positive. It was an excellent learning opportunity not only for those audiences but for our staff and as admin as well. This is certainly a presentation that we would like to bring back again in the future.” Malini Hyland, Principal – Brian PS, Toronto
“Thanks Paul. Feedback from staff and parents was that it was a great presentation.” Ryan Day – Principal, Baden PS – Baden Ontario
“Thank you so much for your presentation today! It was amazing! I really think the students were enthralled with what you were saying. We appreciate you doing the two sites today and making it work for all 3 schools! Tamara Kaufman, Principal. Forest Glen PS, WRDSB
April 2023
“Thank you so much Paul for your very engaging presentations – I’ve had lots of positive feedback from students, staff and parents!” Adrienne Coletto, Principal – St. Margaret Mary, Hamilton
“Thank you so much for your informative session. I learned a lot even as an educator and mom of two teenagers.” Susanne Stroud – Directrice, École Dansereau Meadows School, Alberta
“Thank you for your presentation today. It was very informative and necessary for our learners and staff.” Alisha Mohammed, Principal – Charles Webster, TDSB Toronto
“Paul, Thanks again for coming and providing our community with the information and resources they need to make safer choices.” Kristen Hrbak, Vice Principal, St Andrews Senior Public School, Cambridge Ontario
March 2023
“I wanted to extend a large thank you. The chatter today in the hall with Students and the conversations it has started is enough for me to know it has been impactful. Also some conversations with my own kiddos! Given the area we are in and my fear about trafficking you have helped raise awareness and for staff as well, so we can help to better protect. Again I truly thank you” Jaime Sinnett, Principal, Niagara Catholic DSB
“Paul is one of the best authentic speakers to speak to students about internet safety. I would recommend every school inviting Paul to speak to their students and community. He will not disappoint.” Joe Lise Principal St. Benedict Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
“Great Presentation” Steve Laberge Principal ST. ISIDORE SCHOOL, Calgary
” As a parent and educator (for 26 years) Paul’s presentation was honestly the best I have ever attended. Paul’s content was relevant and his style was effective. He had the students listening raptly to him” shared on behalf of a teacher by: Sandy Seider, Centre for Diverse Learning Associated Hebrew Schools
“All the presentations were excellent ” Jim Whittard Principal – Blessed Trinity SS Grimsby, Ontario
“Your presentation was interactive and eye opening!!” Michael Femia – Principal St. Eugene Catholic School
February 2023
“Thank you as well for your guidance and support. I learn so much each time I hear your presentation . The parents shared positive feedback and expressed an interest to have you back at the school” Lucia Rotundo Principal – St Andrew, Woodbridge, Ontario
“Paul Davis, a phenomenal digital safety speaker, reviews the unvarnished truths about the risks associated with the use of cell phones and social media platforms with our students. Passwords, Geo tagging, age restriction (13) and more…” Pope Francis CES, Kleinburg, Ontario
“Great Presentation” Jenna Greenfield – Principal, Toronto District School Board
“Thanks again for a great day and night!!!!!!” Rosie Araujo- Principal. Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Elementary School (Grimsby)
January 2023
“Hi Paul! We wanted to thank you for the AMAZING and super engaging presentation today. Speaking for myself, wow!! I have a lot to think about and learned so much. I spoke with some of the students and it has sparked tons of conversation, so a big thank you again! Lori Kagal, M.S.W., R.S.W – School Social Worker – Toronto District School Board
“Thank you in again for your work advocating and allowing our students to make a difference. Thank you for empowering our community to take control of how technology is used.” Sabrina Lee-Lieu, Principal – St PHILIP ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, Calgary Alberta
“That was an excellent presentation. I know our students received quite the awakening of social media etiquette. Teachers shared that some good conversation occurred afterwards in their respective classrooms.” Armando Brusco Principal, St Peter CES – Woodbridge, Ontario
“I’ve never seen a group of Grade 7-9 students be this quiet, focussed and engaged. They were captivated and intrigued with the information shared by Paul. He spoke to the prevalent issues that youth are facing in the digital world” Paula Knox M.C. Psych., CCC. School Counsellor Calgary, Alberta
November 2022
“It’s always great to hear you speak” Nancy Malta, Principal, St. Elizabeth Seton CES, York Catholic DSB
“Thank you so very much for a most informative day yesterday” Chris Fischer. Headmaster, Pretty River Academy, Collingwood, Ontario
“Paul, Thanks for a great parent night and for your support! Wishing you all the best!” Mackie Coluccio Principal – St. Fidelis Catholic School
” Good morning Paul, Thank you so much for putting us into your busy schedule, particularly on a Sunday! The session was well received by parents and staff who attended, and it was certainly an eye opener for all of us! I now feel somewhat better equipped to support our students and families here.” Jane Gibson Principal, Belvedere Parkway School, Calgary Board of Education
October 2022
“Thanks again for your incredible presentations this week. The student and parent body have continued to discuss many suggestions from the presentations and many parents have expressed their gratitude for the presentation.” Amy Fuller. Junior Division Principal Crestwood School. Toronto
September 2022
“Hi Paul, Thank you again for such a great presentation to our West Springs Cougar Ridge Community Association parents! We received tremendous feedback and would love to have you speak again to our residents when you return to Calgary in January of 2023″. Heather Zaba. Director Building Safer Communities. West Springs Cougar Ridge Community Associationn
August 2022
July 2022
“Our school hosted Paul Davis for students and parents this spring. Paul delivers the unvarnished truth about the risks associated with the use of smartphones and social media platforms. Students and adults have their eyes opened wide regarding the extent to which lawful data miners and others with dishonest intentions will go to misuse these platforms. Audiences leave his presentations better prepared to set limits on the quantity and quality of information they wish to share with the wider world. ” Christian Zorzi (he/him) B.Ed, MEd, Principal. Holy Name CES
“The kids have been asking questions all day. They were super engaged, and I think it’s safe to say that we all really appreciated the information you presented today, both students and teachers alike. we hope to book you for next year for the Grade 10 group! Thanks again Paul.” Marco Marchese (he/him), Father Henry Carr CSS English Teacher | Equity Champion
June 2022
“Paul has delivered in our board quite a few times over the last few years. His direct approach and factual information hits home and makes you think! His desire to keep our children/students safe is admirable with cell phones and computers being at the forefront of our world. Both as a parent and a principal, it has given me information that I feel comfortable sharing with parents and my own family!” Marcia DeDominicis | Principal – Christ the King Catholic School
“It was great” Marilyn Nasse, Principal TIMOTHY JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL
“Thanks for the great presentation tonight.” Sarah Rudge, Principal – Lombardy School UCDSB
“Everyone was so pleased with your presentation. Thank you so much. We will talk about having you present to parents in the fall. ” Cheryle Reynolds, Principal – ST. MARGUERITE D’YOUVILLE
“Thank you for all your insightful information and for sharing best practices with both the students and the wider community. Thank you as well for the access to the virtual event.” Laura Della Rosa, Principal – Mother Cabrini, Toronto
May 2022
“Thank you so much for sharing your expertise and knowledge with my school community. We will all be better off and better equipped, from having the experience of listening to your powerful message. I will be sharing this experience with my colleagues and the board, recommending everyone to secure you to speak with their communities. I look forward to working with you again in the future. With gratitude, Karen” Karen Lubek | Principal – Holy Rosary Catholic Elementary School
“Thank you for your presentations today at our school, many teachers noted how impactful your message was to themselves, and their students.” Suzanne Legault, Principal – St Michael the Archangel – Barrie Ontario
April 2022
“It was a pleasure to work with you again” Marie Murad, Principal-Holy Rosary- Milton
“There are very few presentations that resonate with all participants. Paul’s presentation provoked thoughts and discussion for students, staff, and parents alike. There has never been more buzz after a guest speaker as there was with Paul. His message of cyber safety and social media responsibility is important for all of us to hear- especially young students who are given very powerful devices that can cause a lot of damage if not used properly. It was our pleasure to have Paul at our school. ” Bernardo Dulcigno, Principal. St. Mary of the Angels CES
” It was such a pleasure to have Paul Davis speak to our students and families on Internet Safety. Paul’s valuable insights and knowledge on how to identify, interrupt and fight back against cyberbullying had a huge impact on our community. Thank you Paul Davis for educating our families on social media misuse and cyberbullying and for helping to keep our students safe! I would definitely recommend Paul to other schools and would love to book him again for future presentations” Chi Le – Principal – Toronto District School Board
“Thank you for presenting your important messaging to the staff, students, and parents of St. Gabriel CES yesterday. We look forward to you sharing any further information mentioned in your presentations. Thank you for arming all of us with the tools to navigate this digital world much safer!” Christopher Tilley, Principal – St. Gabriel Catholic Elementary School
“Thank you, Paul. Excellent presentations as always!” Ms. Lily Adams, Vice-Principal – Loretto Abbey Catholic Secondary School
March 2022
“Your presentations were phenomenal” Jackie Watson, Principal St. Nicholas Catholic – Niagara
“Paul Davis delivers a message that should be heard by everyone. Crime Stoppers of York Region is very pleased that Paul supports our Youth Symposium as a keynote speaker presenting an impactful, educational and thought provoking discussion on Social Media and Online Safety. Do not miss the opportunity to hear Paul speak. Educate yourself and protect our youth.” David J. Forster -Past President, Crime Stopppers of York Region – President Canadian Crime Stoppers Association
“Paul Davis leaves no doubt in our minds why he is considered one of Canada’s premier experts on Internet safety and social networking. During his virtual meet with the staff and students of Corpus Christi Catholic Middle School, he shared vital information and opened all of our eyes to some scary truths.We are extremely grateful for his on-going work to promote Internet safety for everyone, but especially for our youth, the most vulnerable members of our society. We anxiously look forward to having him back at CCMS next school year to speak to our new Gr.7 students and parent community!” Dean Favero – Principal. Corpus Christi Catholic Middle School. WECDSB
“It was great to have you back Paul, your message never gets old!” Marie-Claude Charette, Principal. Holy Family Catholic Elementary School
“Paul was authentic and his presentation offered practical and relevant online safety strategies to our students” Chuks Imahiagbe, Vice Principal, St Paul High School, Ottawa
February 2022
“That was an excellent presentation last night! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise. The message was very important for parents” Katherine Pellegrini – Principal. St. Patrick Catholic School York catholic district school board
“Thank you for today I know the staff absolutely loved it.” Jonathan Hogg Principal St. Marguerite d’Youville Catholic School
“Mr Davis, Thank you so much for the two presentations. The students and parents really enjoyed it. We all care about safety online and your tips and suggestions were very welcomed”. Vicky Thiffault, Directrice – École MonAvenir virtuel
January 2022
“Great session Paul! The Parent session shared information which is real and the reality of what our kids are experiencing on the internet. Knowledge is power in helping keep our kids safe.” Marianne Murray, Principal, St Maria Goretti, Calgary Alberta
“Thank you so much for the files and your presentation yesterday! Everyone learned some valuable information, and lots of points for further discussion! It sparked lots of discussion in my own house with my children too when I got home!”
Dr. Jennifer Flinn, EdD, Vice Principal, St Benedict – Ottawa Ontario
December 2021
“Thanks again for the fantastic presentations for our schools on December 7th”. Marci Hilliker. Vice Principal, Ferndale Public School, Niagara
“Thank you again – your messages are so important for our students, and as a principal, I am also grateful for the guidance and advice you offer to our school board”. Carrie-Lynn Bowie, Principal, St Pius X High School, Ottawa Ontario
November 2021
“Thank you so much for the excellent presentation this morning!! The students were very engaged, and we hope the conversation will continue at home. Homeroom teachers will be sharing your link with parents this week too.” Manotick PS, Ottawa
“We are always so thankful for your presentations” – Susie Stamatopoulos Principal, Windfields Middle School, Toronto
“The feedback has been great from teachers, students and parents” Julie Muhlberger, Principal, Westgate School, Calgary, Alberta
“The students were very focused.” Dana Power, Vice Principal, St. Matthew High School, Ottawa
” A quick note to thank you again for your engaging presentation.” Joseph Cinanni, Principal St. Gemma Catholic School
October 2021
“It was our absolute pleasure having you at Holy Trinity again this year!” Alex Belloni, Principal – Holy Trinity Catholic High School, Ottawa Ontario
“Your presentation was an awakening for us! Many students approached me in the days that followed your presentation to tell me that you made a real impression on them. Some even went home to tell their parents that they wanted help deleting some of the apps that were on their phone. But the biggest impact was on the parents. You could see them change in their demeanour during the presentation. They all walked away from your presentation with a new perspective on the technology that we so quickly let into our lives. Thank you for giving us the tools to empower our children online and how to use this incredible technology in a meaningful and safe way!” Cherylynne McKee, Principal St. Jude’s/Scholars’ Hall, Kitchener Ontario
September 2021
“Hi Paul, Thank YOU again so much for the amazing presentation. We continued to get great feedback from the participants throughout the week. The area of online safety, social media and security is obviously of interest to our staff and the format and framing that you used in your delivery was very captivating.” Jared Ralko, Learning Technologies Coordinator, Kenora Catholic DSB
August 2021
“We have hosted Paul Davis on two separate occasions over the past few years. His conversations with students and parents are not only incredibly informative, they are essential in this age of safety and security. Paul provides all participants with insights and data that are timely, relevant and necessary in assisting our communities navigate the turbulent waters of cyberspace. Paul blends a serious tone with humour and enlightenment and never veers from his mission: to keep all our children and youth safe, knowing full well that online interaction is now a new normal for everyone. We look forward to our next event with Paul, knowing full well that he will once again captivate adults and students alike, imparting invaluable wisdom for young and old. Thank you Paul.” Dean Younger, Principal, St. Thomas the Apostle CES, HWCDSB
July 2021
“It was our sincere pleasure to welcome back Mr. Paul Davis to our school for his engaging and highly relevant, virtual presentation on Online Safety for our students, staff, parents and guardians! His thorough and comprehensive understanding of the key issues currently facing our students made this presentation critical, at this time of increased online activity. Our parent community response to this informative session was extremely positive and appreciative, as many communicated that the information and key tips were useful and insightful in helping them navigate the online world safely, together with their children. Thank you Paul, for your dedication and passion for empowering us with the knowledge we need to make informed choices, and helping our students stay safe online, while enjoying the benefits of technology and the opportunities that it offers. At Divine Mercy, we encourage Digital Discipleship. Your presentation helped us in guiding our students to responsible, moral and ethical technology usage, promoting online safety and digital well-being. In your presentation you advise to always know your “friends.” Paul, you are always a true friend of the staff and students at Divine Mercy. Thank You!” Vicky Iannetta, Principal, Divine Mercy, York Catholic District School Board
June 2021
“Thank you Paul for providing an informative, engaging, current, and most purposeful presentation to the St. Jerome school community. In a brief session, you provided an incredible amount of information that broadened our awareness on many levels as we navigate through our technological world. It is my hope that students will now become smarter than their smartphones and parents will have the ability to support them with savvy techniques and strategies. Your knowledgeable, passionate and supportive delivery model was most appreciated. We look forward to inviting you back as we continue to learn to keep our digital trail safe and protected.” Luisa Rocca, Principal, St. Jerome CES – York Catholic District School Board
“Paul Davis was a guest speaker at my previous school years ago and also last week at my current school. His information on internet safety continues to be relevant and important for our children, students and parents to hear annually. Paul not only speaks of challenges with social media but presents ideas to families and students to do coding and create blogs as safe ways to positively express themselves. Embracing technology and devices with an awareness of the lasting imprint deleted messages leave really empowers parents and educators alike to make more informed decisions in this ever changing digital age we live in. Thanks Paul for a engaging and thought provoking sessions with our school community Devia Catania, Principal, St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Elementary School
“Thanks Paul. Your work is fantastic and I was so pleased to attend your session. We will definitely like to book you again in the fall” Greg Farrell Principal, Ventura Park PS
Paul Davis presented to our students from grades 3-6 and parents. His style is engaging, fast-paced, direct and informative. He shared pitfalls of technology, how children can protect themselves, and how they can continue to use it safely. Students took copious notes and ask pertinent questions. His parent presentation opened with concrete steps about how to support their child’s social-emotional well-being and their relationship with technology by making one small change to their policies at home in addition to many other helpful safety tips. His presentation was thought-provoking and generated much discussion. Thank you, Paul! Alison Wearing, Junior School Director, Lower Canada College , Directrice de l’école primaire – Montreal, Quebec
May 2021
“Parents loved the presentation.” Ravi Ramdhony. Directeur. , Collège français. Toronto
“Thank you again for an amazing presentation. I learned a lot and I know that the parents and students who attended the presentations also found the presentation very valuable.” Lucia Albanese, Principal, Holy Jubilee C.E.S. York Catholic District School Board
“Thank you for sharing your expertise with the community. I hope that schools re-open sometime in the next school year so that we can interact with you in a face-to-face environment.” Stephen Koshurba, Vice-Principal. – CR Gummow Public School
“I just wanted to send you a little note today to say a BIG THANKS to you on behalf of Hillcrest Middle School staff, students and parents/families. I really enjoyed both of your presentations. Very cool and certainly relevant in our lives.” Teralyn Phipps | Principal, Hillcrest Middle School – Peel District School Board
“Excellent Presentation. Worthwhile for all teenagers/adults to see and learn from.” David Gowans, Principal JEAN BREBEUF SCHOOL – Calgary, AB
“Just want to thank you again for a great presentation, the amount of conversation generated is beyond what I expected, and that’s a wonderful thing.” Marc Albert Cormier, Directeur – École Secondaire Georges-P.-Vanier
“Thanks again Paul. Had lots of great feedback from your presentation and look forward to having you speak to the students next year”. Rick Meraska, Principal – Hillcrest Public School
April 2021
“Paul has a wealth of knowledge to share with his audience! He encourages participants to evaluate their online presence and to protect themselves. Paul’s strategy is to present facts and allow participants to apply what they have learned to their own online behaviour. We will definitely invite Paul to address our students again in the future” Linda Watson, Director of Technology Integration & Innovation, HILLFIELD STRATHALLAN COLLEGE – Hamilton Ontario
“Hi Paul, Thanks so much for the two presentations yesterday! Both were received very positively! I am very happy that we were able to provide this for our students and parents! ” Wendy Cumming, Principal – Ripley Huron Community School, Ripley Ontario
“On behalf of Lucy and myself and our entire Junior and Intermediate Divisions both students and staff, we wanted to extend our appreciation for 2 very informative sessions. Both Lucy and I have been very fortunate having had the opportunity to listen to you previously and with every opportunity your words, tips and rules continue to be noteworthy and impactful delivering a very powerful message about online safety for ALL! We are pleased to have given our students this opportunity and look forward to attending the Parent Session this evening. Your work, support, dedication and knowledge continue to be instrumental for many. In appreciation, Lucy and Barbara”. Barbara Capano – Principal – St. Agnes Catholic School – Toronto, Ontario
“Just listened to a great presentation on keeping our kids safe on the internet with Paul Davis” Sheila Piggott, Superintendent of Learning and Technology – PVNCCDSB
“Thank you again for the excellent presentations yesterday and for these resources as well. We enjoyed both presentations very much. I heard from 8 parents last night after the presentation, thanking us for bringing you in and sharing this important message with our community. They were impressed.” Christopher Rzepa | Principal, WHITNEY PUBLIC SCHOOL – Toronto, Ontario
“Thanks again. Truly a wonderful, eye opening and essential presentation.” Sheri Stashick, Principal, Corpus Christi – Ottawa, Ontario
“Your presentation is invaluable!” Susie Stamatopoulos, Principal, Windfields Middle School – Toronto, Ontario
“Thank you Paul, for sharing valuable information with our virtual students today about Social Media, Cyber Bullying and Online Safety. Having this knowledge will help us make better decisions online and help keep us safe.” Tracy Murray, Vice-Principal, Ottawa Catholic School Board (Virtual)
March 2021
“Thanks again for a great presentation. Many of the classes continued the conversation into their 2nd period of the day.” Maria Richichi, Principal, St. Gabriel Catholic School – Ottawa, Ontario
“Excellent presentation. Paul Davis was powerful in his messaging, very informative, factual, and nonjudgemental. Students, teacher, parents and administration were glued to the presentation and said it was the best presentation ever on Social networking and online safety. I was fortunate to watch the junior, intermediate, and parent presentations, all in one day, and each presentation taught me something new. A must see for every school. In one word….awesome.” Anna Iwasykiw, Principal Josyf Cardinal Slipyj, TCDSB
“Word has spread. Our parents loved the presentation. At kiss and ride the next morning, parents actually rolled down the window and thanked US ” Shelley Jones, Principal. Legacy Public School, YRDSB
February 2021
” I appreciate you taking the time to answer so many questions. It was yet another great, informative session. Thank you so much!” Tiffany Clarke, Directrice adjointe , École secondaire catholique Sainte-Trinité
“Thank you so much for your excellent presentation last week. Our teachers reported that their students were highly engaged, hanging on your every word. Staff were also very impressed and grateful for the expertise you shared. One commented that your presentation was the most valuable one our students have received during their time with us. Thank you!.” Erin Agnello, Vice-Principal, Wellesley Public School, Wellesley, Ontario
January 2021
” I highly recommend Paul. His very important hard hitting message has never been more important. Whether in person or online, Paul speaks with passion and expertise. Our parents were very thankful for his insight and advice.” Jen McKay, Assistant Head, Matthews Hall, London ON
“Paul Davis is a very engaging speaker with obvious care and concern for our students and their safety. His presentations to the students from Grades 4-8 were factual and honest and provided solutions/alternatives for students to work on to keep themselves cyber safe while still being able to enjoy the positive aspects that technology has to offer. The parent presentation was also well received and an eye opener for many. Paul’s information should be heard by anyone who has a role in protecting and educating our children. Thank you Paul! Adrianna DiRenzo, MEd., OCT / Principal, Kent Public School Campbellford, Ontario
“”Thank you again for another fantastic presentation! I wasn’t sure if it was going to be effective as your live presentation’s, but you nailed it!!! It was once again, informative, and very impactful!” Lindsay Barrow, Youth Counsellor
“A few months ago, a former student who is now in Grade 9, stopped by to let me know that “Everyone at my highschool should listen to the presentation by Paul Davis on being safe online. So many other kids are making huge mistakes and it’s affecting their mental health and safety. Paul talked about taking responsibility online and that there are no mistakes.” Grade 9 student, Kitchener Andrea Michelutti – Principal, Jean Steckle Public School – Kitchener, Ontario
“We received a lot of positive feedback from the staff. The students were engaged and I’m glad they weren’t shy to ask the questions. Everyone at every age was able to take away new information.” Miranda Serrecchia – Vice Principal, Laurier Macdonald High School – Saint-Léonard, Quebec
December 2020
“Mr. Paul Davis is one of those exceptional orators who’s message is as powerful as he is. Every child and their parent should hear the truth about on line life. Paul is able to impactfully walk us through the pitfalls of technology and how we can avoid them. I have invited Paul to speak to my Grade 4 through Grade 8 classes as well as their parents and I have received nothing but positive feed back from all. As long as I am a principal, Paul’s presentation will be a staple at my schools as part of my safety plan and because he is amazing!” J. Gagliardi – Principal, St. Andre Catholic School
“A wonderful, eye opening presentation for students and then parents, on internet safety. Paul’s technology tips and rules for students and parents were both informative and very noteworthy. Thank you Paul for helping keep our students and communities safe.” Linda Cotnam, Principal of Franklin Public School, WRDSB
“Paul, that was so good. So critically important. Thank you so much for your wisdom, experience, and professionalism in helping us, as parents and educators, navigate social media safety with our kids.” Penny Delaney, Principal, St. Bernadette Catholic School, Ajax, ON
November 2020
“Paul gives an informative, current and honest approach to the cyber world that most adults and teens are not fully aware of.” Monica Calligaro, Vice Principal , Monsignor Percy Johnson Catholic Secondary School – Toronto, Ontario
“The students were captivated by the eye-opening facts that Paul presented to us”
Faye Hughson. Vice Principal. Earl of March Intermediate School – Kanata, Ontario
“Our Grade 7 and 8 students had the privilege to listen to Mr. Davis speak about responsibilities in the appropriate use of electronic communication and social media. He was stunning!
His messages about accountability, cyber-bullying and sexting kept all of us on the edge of our seats. As an administrator of a school, what really resonated with me was the fact that it takes about five actions to make a negative impact on social media. Therefore, it is unacceptable when a student says, “It was an accident.” The feedback I have received from the students and staff were all very positive. We look forward to Mr. Davis speaking to our school community in the future.”
Al Simoes, Principal St. Timothy Catholic School WCDSB
Thanks so much Paul. As always – incredibly thought provoking and a source of significant reflection on our daily practices. Really appreciate your time and sharing of knowledge with students and parents! In appreciation, Janice”. Janice Luchenski – Principal, William D. Pratt School, Calgary
October 2020
“I’ve had the privilege to watch Mr. Paul Davis’ presentations to students at three different schools and to parents at three different schools. Every time I watch one of Paul’s presentations, I learn a handful of new strategies on how to teach students and my own child how to use technology responsibly. Paul teaches students how to take control of a peer conflict, or a bullying situation, if they are victimized through electronic means. Paul repeatedly encourages and provides strategies for parents to behave as parents and not as friends with their children, and to teach their children about responsible technology use. He shares very simple strategies that adults often overlook when working to curb inappropriate cell phone use. His presentations have made me a better educator and a better parent.” Erhayat Ozcan, Assistant Principal, Chestermere High School, Rocky View Schools, Chestermere Alberta
August 2020
“Paul Davis has the ability to captivate his audience with his expertise and knowledge. Every student should be exposed to his presentation. I have been to several social media presentations but no one has his knowledge. He takes you through a journey that will educate you on the realities of social networking safety. A must see…….” Ugo Rossi, Principal, Chaminade College, Toronto Ontario
March 2020
“Holding the attention span of one teenager, let alone 400 of them is a testimony to how relevant, current and thought provoking your content is. We look forward to working with you again.” Leo Ralph, Chair / Crime Stoppers of York Region
January 2020
Paul Davis’ presentations are effective and extremely informative. He provides current and relevant
information for students, parents and educators in a truthful, direct and eye-opening manner. He leaves
parents wanting more information and guidance on how to, navigate their children’s world of modern
technology and how to better protect them in an ever expanding and influential world of social media.
A must have presentation for all! A. C. Provato – Principal St. Clement CES
“Thanks Paul. We thoroughly enjoyed having you. We had fantastic feedback from parents who were in last night. I really appreciate your passion and commitment to the safety of our students” Arthur Birenbaum, Principal – York Region District School Board
December 2019
“This is the third time we have had Paul speak with our students and parents. Each time his message is updated with current trends which helps the school and parents work with the kids. Often his message is a wake up call for students, parents and teachers. We often get very complacent with social media and the internet, so it is a nice refresher to check those privacy settings and to stay safe on the internet. Thanks Paul for giving back to the community as well helping to keep our kids safe. We look forward to your next visit.” Rick Petrowitsch, Principal, Tom Baines Middle School – Calgary.
November 2019
“Your presentation was highly informative and relevant to students. Your forthright style, specific examples and solutions to problems not only engaged the students, but the educators as well. Additionally, it offered critical information on keeping our children safe as well as holding them accountable for their actions. We look forward to working with you again with our parent community and our younger students who are just emerging into the digital world of online profiles.
Thank you so much!” Lisa Kuyper, Principal – St. Basil Catholic Elementary School
Brantford, Ontario
“Paul, thank you again for your presentation. I had our School council mtg last night, and I advised the parents in attendance of your presentation and how you could hear a pin drop during your presentation. You have earned the respect of many because of your content and delivery, but also because you speak as a knowledgeable professional and a parent/Father. Notre Dame looks forward to having you back to our school as part of our initiative of keeping our school community safe.” Manny Farrugia, Principal. Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
“Paul as always the presentation was informative and relevant for both our students and parents.”
Stephen Mclean, Principal – George R. Gauld, Toronto
October 2019
“Best presentation I’ve seen in 22 years of teaching” Sandra, Teacher – York Catholic District School Board,
Vaughan, Ontario
“Thank you so much for taking the time to visit us today. Your presentation has definitely sparked some powerful conversations! We will definitely have you back again!” Tricia Eddy, Principal – Goulbourn Middle School, Ottawa, Ontario
September 2019
“Thank you again for coming, the parents loved it.” Kristy Faggion | VP, School Life HILLFIELD STRATHALLAN COLLEGE – Hamilton, Ontario
“You gave an awesome presentation to the students and parents. A couple of students came up to me a couple days later and said that we need more presentations like this that are fact based and tells it as it is!” Chris Bzdel, Vice Principal – St Anthony’s School, Drumheller, Alberta
“Another great presentation by Paul Davis.” OAPCE President, Chaminade College, Toronto Ontario
“Thanks for the presentations. Rave Reviews, as Expected!” Graeme Finlay, Principal – Westmount Charter, Calgary, Alberta
“We got fantastic feedback from the teachers and I have shared all your resources. I have also recommended you to numerous schools.” Lise Medd, Principal, George Webster PS, Toronto, Ontario
June 2019
“I’ve heard great feedback from parents and staff. We were so pleased to have the opportunity to have you here to speak to students, staff and parents.” Sara De Divitiis, Principal, Twenty Valley School, Niagara
May 2019
” Our students and community were blessed to have your day. God bless you and your family for caring for all kids. The work you do makes a difference ” Caroline D’Souza, Principal, St. Bonaventure Elementary School, Toronto
“Paul Davis brought his message of online safety to our school and left a lasting impression with our students and parents. His message was direct, honest and effective. Paul provided students, staff and parents tools to take responsibility for what they share online. It was obvious Paul truly cares for the welfare of our youth. We will look to bring Paul back to share his message with future Lancers.” Ray Power, UCC Principal, Chatham Ontario
“An Outstanding Presentation”
Mrs Pellegrini, Principal, St Patrick – Markham, Ontario
March 2019
Paul has presented to our school community twice over the last 4 years and once again, it was captivating. Paul’s format of presenting to students in the afternoon and parents in the evening is an excellent way to reach students and parents. Paul’s honesty with students and even more so with parents about online safety and social networking strikes a chord with students and parents. If you have not had a chance to hear Paul’s message I strongly recommend that you attend one of his presentations. Paul speaks to students and parents candidly and openly about the need for safe online social networking. Thank you, Paul for a very informative presentation. Gabriella Facchini, Principal, Holy Rosary C. S., WCDSB, Guelph
February 2019
Paul Davis is a dynamic speaker who knows his topic of online safety so well, that no one in the audience even considers tuning out for even one second. Whether you are 10 years old, 12, 14, 19 years or all stages of adulthood, Paul knows how to connect with, and engage, you as an attentive listener. At Mackenzie King and, our middle school, Stanley Park , Paul has visited us twice within the last three years, speaking to both students and parents. He speaks from his head and his heart with research-based facts and information. He holds us all accountable for making the choice to be safe online. It is our choice. We need to follow rules, keep technology out of our bedrooms, limit usage and make our human contact and interactions a priority. Family and friends come before our devices. Do our current actions and practices send this message? Technology is an amazing tool when used appropriately – Paul will give you practical strategies and tips to keep you safe online. All you need to do is to go home and apply them AND be the parent who makes the decisions in your home and sets boundaries. Thank you Paul for your commitment of time to stay current in your knowledge and to share your passion for online safety with others because you care about kids.
Kathryn Haddock, Principal, Mackenzie King P.S. WRDSB
December 2018
” Un grand merci à Paul Davis pour cette série de conférences au Lycée Français de Toronto le 11 décembre ! Paul a expliqué aux élèves du grade 7 au grade 12 comment utiliser en sécurité les réseaux sociaux, avec des exemples concrets adaptés à chaque niveau. La séance pour les adultes a été très appréciée. Paul encourage les parents à aborder davantage ces sujets avec leur enfant, afin que chacun continue à utiliser l’internet avec responsabilité. Nous formons les futurs citoyens, et Paul Davis nous aide beaucoup dans cette mission !” Jean-Pierre FAOU, Proviseur/Head of School
“Paul doesn’t mince words and he certainly knows his facts when it comes to internet safety, digital literacy and digital citizenship. His hour-long presentation to grade 6 – grade 9 students was raw, honest and eye-opening; the students and staff were absolutely spellbound. Paul’s tips and tricks to safeguard oneself from technology’s tentacles and to improve one’s digital etiquette are practical, and for many, life-altering. We have already booked him to speak to our grade 10 – 12 students!” Tamara Bolotenko, Dean of Student Affairs / Doyenne des affaires étudiantes, TFS – Canada’s International School
“I always appreciate you coming to speak at our school, as it holds the students, parents and staff accountable. The message is extremely candid, but at the same time you demonstrate compassion and professionalism throughout. Your dynamic and informative message keeps all students fully engaged. I was particularly impressed by your ability to relate so well to all of the students, regardless of age. The students’ feedback was overwhelmingly positive and their enthusiasm for the presentation was evident. The program certainly made an impact on all who participated.” T. Wilkinson, Principal, St. Charles Garnier CES
October 2018
“Parents, if you have never been to one of his presentations, or if you haven’t been recently, it’s a MUST. Paul is the guy to learn from, he is honest, unapologetic and has the experience, knowledge and facts to back his powerful presentation to students and parents. I’m actually thinking of attending another one of his other presentations in Niagara this week. Thanks Ridley College for hosting this event.” Jaime, Mother – Ridley College
“I just wanted to say a huge thank you to you for your presentation on Monday night at JP11 in Okotoks, it was outstanding! I will say I have been to a few similar presentations and yours had to have been the most informally and professionally delivered I have attended.. Thank you for presenting honestly to us parents, it truly opened my eyes.” Susanne, Okotoks Alberta
“Paul’s presentation was great for our students, but his message was even more powerful for parents. Several have already asked when he will be back!” – Jason Hartl, Principal Dr. Martha Cohen School, Calgary Alberta
September 2018
“Your presentation to our parent groups last Monday was excellent. The information was so relevant and what they need to hear.” Carolyn Salonen, Principal – Waterloo-Oxford District Secondary School
“Paul speaks plainly and in their language about the real risks associated with online accounts, apps and behaviours and then he shares the same information all over again with parents! Paul extends his parent presentation by giving parents tools, strategies and facts to empower them to keep their kids safe in an ever increasing online world. It is a must see presentation for students, staff and parents.” Megan Egerton, Principal, Woodroffe Ave. P.S., Ottawa
“Fantastic student presentation today by Paul Davis about online safety.” Principal, Sir Adam Beck PS, Baden Ontario
July 2018
“Thanks for the great information on Thursday night, it was very much appreciated. My daughter and I found it very insightful and informative. One of her comments to me – ‘this is the first time someone has ever spoken to me without sugar coating ANYTHING.’ We both appreciate this. She found your talk very moving and has told her friends about the things that she learned. Thank you for your time & wisdom.” Audra M. Mother/Daughter Seminar / St Catharines, ONT
June 2018
“Thanks for a VERY informative presentation. See you in December and have a great summer.” Nick Biagini -Principal, Immaculate Conception CS, Toronto Catholic DSB
“I loved the presentations. I think your biggest impact is your knowledge and your presentation style & your
experience as a parent.” Pam Voth, Principal – Glynn E Green PS, Fonthill, Ontario – DSBN
May 2018
“Paul’s presentation to students in grades 6, 7 and 8 was empowering, informative and engaging. His no nonsense approach to digital citizenship provided students with greater awareness and sense of urgency to be more responsible respecting and protecting privacy and information. Paul left no stone unturned. He spoke about the functionalities, intricacies and complexities of different global devices and platforms and when used appropriately how they can be valuable tools. Paul’s message reflected the need for students to use a moral compass to guide decision making and respect themselves. Paul also delivered a similar message to parents that evening urging them to be responsible parents. We look forward to Paul’s next visit with us.” Mrs. Maria Solomon, Principal — St. Kevin Catholic Elementary School. Welland, Ontario
“Social media is an ever-changing and evolving form of technology that holds a plethora of knowledge and information. However, social media also possess potential dangers that children and parents need to be aware of in order to remain safe in a cyberworld environment. Paul Davis’ presentation delivers an illuminating and thought provoking message designed to educate and give his audience the tools to help safeguard themselves against the dangers of social media. “
J. Cordi, Principal of Corpus Christi CES, Richmond Hill, Ontario
April 2018
“Probably the best speaker I have ever heard”. Adel, Technology Teacher, Half Moon Bay School, Ottawa
March 2018
“We also enjoyed your sessions here. There has been lots of positive feedback from all. One even suggested that we have you back again next year.” Beverly Pavan, Principal – Father Serra Catholic School. Toronto
“Paul Davis shared his knowledge on the safety concerns students and parents should keep in mind before giving access to uncontrolled technology and social media apps. The up to date information he gave to students from Gr. 4 to 8 and parents was focused on student safety and the burden of responsibility that we all take once we accept smart technology into our lives. I was very impressed by his clear messaging and how he captured the attention of students in Junior and Intermediate Grades and their parents. Our evening presentation was very well attended and many parents stayed to thank Paul personally for the answers they were looking for.” Elena Naccarato, Principal, St. Gregory the Great Academy
February 2018
“Paul, It was truly an honour to have you at our school. The amount of impact you had in a few hours at our school was profound.” Kevin Ng, Principal, St. Richard Catholic School. Toronto
December 2017
“On-line conflict is our major time killer at our school for administration. After Paul’s presentation at Chestermere Lake Middle School, our student conflicts related to electronic communication went from 1 incident per day to 1 incident per month. The students found Paul extremely engaging. I personally loved his presentation to parents in the evening, as it was completely different than the one to the kids. And he was very direct as the gist was, “be a better parent,” and he gave easy solutions for parents to help their kids. Erhayat Ozcan, Assistant Principal, WH Croxford High School, Airdrie, Alberta
“It was a pleasure to have you present to our students and their parents on such an important issue. The staff members in attendance as well as myself enjoyed your presentation and took away many messages to share with others. Thanks for the offer of ongoing support. We will contact you with any questions that the students or we may have. Regards, Susan Nestorowich, EAO – B.A., B.Éd., M.Éd. Direction, École élémentaire catholique Saint-Philippe
“What a fantastic (parent) turnout and we received such glowing, positive feedback about your talk. Students and parents spoke of some important changes they wanted to get their technology more secure. It was such a pleasure to hear you again and listen to the feedback from our families. Sincerely, Judy Huffman, Elementary Principal, Bearspaw Christian School
November 2017
“Paul Davis presented current and valuable information for our students and parents giving them the tools to be safe in our ever changing technological world.” Craig Howe, Principal, John English JMS
“Paul is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! I had the privilege of hearing Paul about four years back at my son’s elementary school, back then Social Media was not a household name, but Paul soon informed us all of the importance of knowing what our children may be doing! As the President of OAPCE Toronto, we have, and will continue to recommend Paul to all parents to invite him to their schools to provide his valuable presentation. Twice we have had Paul at our OAPCE Provincial Conference, where parents from across the province participated in his workshop, and all left thanking us for bring him to the Conference. Without a shadow of a doubt, there is no one else that can deliver current, important, valuable and informative items to discuss with all Social Media avenues than Paul Davis! Thank you Paul for helping ALL parents understand the many avenues and highways of our technological age!”
Annalisa Crudo-Perri, OAPCE Toronto President
October 2017
“I had my Teacher Advisory group today, about 24 kids in total for a group conversation – they wanted to talk about your presentation! The kids were ON FIRE!! There was so much they wanted to talk about! Before too long they were all on their devices resetting passwords, changing their bios, eliminating telling information… They actually all agreed that their parents needed to know more”. Tracey Sweetapple , Assistant Principal – WH Croxford High School, Airdrie Alberta
“Paul Davis has been a welcome partner to the St. Jean de Brebeuf school community. He provides important information to keep our students safe and reminds students to use social media to create a positive digital footprint and leave a positive legacy. Paul talks about the importance of privacy, safety and reporting inappropriate communication on social media to a trusted adult, teacher or school administrator. Paul is a highly effective speaker t and his presentations were well received by our faculty and students. ” Rocchina Antunes, Principal – St. Jean de Brebeuf High School, York Catholic District School Board
September 2017
“Paul Davis’ recent visit to our district was empowering and life changing. Whether speaking to parents, students or law enforcement officials, he was riveting, informative and blunt. His message needs to be heard. Driving home the realities of the internet, he was able to give parents and students expert information while also giving them practical insight on how to be safe. His message doesn’t stop with the information alone, he is able to inspire and equip
students to help our world be a better place. After his visit, we’ve had many staff, parents and students talk about their plan of action to move forward in their own lives. They are empowered. I have never witnessed a speaker impact an audience to this degree before. Paul Davis is a ‘must bring ‘ to your community!” Beth Campbell, Educator – Bettendorf, Iowa
“Thank you Mr. Davis for your visit with our students last month. The feedback I received from students and parents were nothing but positive. Do not change your style and or approach to your delivery. The message was well received from all. I did have one student of mine attend your parent evening session and he felt that you were easier on his mom that evening than on the students. Ha!” Chris Risto, Principal,St . Luke Catholic Elementary School,Nepean
July 2017
“An eye-opening, impactful, thought provoking, relevant, and important message to Faculty, students, and parents about the importance of using social media properly and respectfully at all times. Paul effectively emphasizes the need for accountability, responsibility, and ownership of our own choices, decisions, and actions when using technology such as snapchat, Instagram, texting, online gaming, etc.. Paul’s message is powerful and provokes a call for action as he covers everything from parent accountability, to what can be done to help prevent the damaging effects of social media misusage. Kathleen Kirkpatrick / Director, Middle School / Appleby College
May 2017
“Thank you for AWESOME presentations this morning at St. Leo CES! I have finished reading 4 class sets of my homework assignment. Exceptionally well written! Students listened attentively to your messages and suggestions for safe internet usage practices you provided. Many mentioned in their summaries they were going to share what they learned with their parents, especially the “rules”.” Mrs Ugrin, Principal / St Leo CS, Toronto
” As mentioned, I’ve seen a number of presentations on cyber/internet safety over the years and your’s was the best. It provided valuable and useful information.” Fiona, Parent / Mississauga
“Ask your child how they plan to change the way they use technology after listening to the incredible Paul Davis today.” Mme Heather / St Luke – Ottawa
April 2017
“”I am thrilled to welcome you to Thomas D’Arcy McGee Catholic School. Having seen your work with students and parents, I know firsthand, how powerful and important your message is in keeping our students safe in this constantly evolving “digital” world. Keeping our students safe requires not only teaching our children, but informing our parents of the breadth of social media and how they can keep their children safe in an ever changing technological landscape. I look forward to working with you to keep families safe and informed.” D Langdon, Principal – D’Arcy McGee, Ottawa (BOOKED FOR APRIL 2018!!!)
” Thanks so much for another great visit, Paul. I’m always learning something new in your presentations, and as I mentioned yesterday, appreciate your no nonsense, straight forward type approach with your varied audiences. Yana Ioffe, Principal, Beverley Acres PS, Richmond Hill
“As a church community we seek to equip parents to raise their kids in a way that brings honor to God. It was great to partner with Paul Davis as he equipped our parents in their responsibility to parent their kids when it comes to Social networking. Paul empowered our parents to be the parents and take ownership of the gifts that we have been given in this world – our kids. Paul’s presentation was professional and allowed time for our parents to interact with questions. Our community of faith was blessed through Paul’s work. We would highly recommend other churches to bring Paul in to speak to their parents about social networking safety. Thanks for everything!” Sam Seifert
Pastor of Family Ministries, Southview Church – Calgary Alberta
March 2017
“It was indeed a pleasure. Wishing you all the best. I believe our School Council has booked you again for the 2017-2018 school year!” Guido Ronci, Principal – Alta Vista, Ottawa
“Thank you Paul for the amazing presentation today. The students are still talking about it and I know it will continue at home tonight. Pleasure to have you at Sacred Heart! All the best” Irene Ricci, Principal – Sacred Heart, Niagara Catholic
“Hi Paul, Thanks for the amazing presentations! Parents and students continue to tell me how impactful your presentations were. I had a conversation with a parent this morning at the drop-off fence that was raving about it – and she wasn’t even there (her husband was)!” Chris Caporicci, Principal – St Christopher, HCDSB
February 2017
“Thank you very much for coming to North Prep yesterday. Both of your presentations were extremely informative and well delivered. It is my hope that our school council will book you again” Cindy – Principal, North Prep Junior School, Toronto
January 2017
“Social Networking Safety” was an outstanding presentation by Paul Davis both for parents and for our Grades 4-8 students. Paul provides factual information that truly leaves you shocked, especially given our youth’s use of the internet to play video games, watch Youtube, using their phones and much more. This presentation is a great way for students and parents to educate themselves on the pros and cons of using social media. –Emma Fera-Massi- Principal – St. Mary Catholic-NCDSB
“Paul Davis is extremely knowledgeable and educates all those that listen to his message during his presentations on the internet and social media safety. I have had the opportunity to listen to him speak on a couple of occasions and the information he brings forth is eye-opening. It is important that we are all well aware of the issues that can arise as we continue to live in a society that thrives on technology.” -Joe Forte – Teacher- St. Mary Catholic – NCDSB
December 2016
“Thank you again for coming out to speak to both our students and parents. Having you speak to students in the afternoon and then their parents during an evening session is so effective in sending a clear, consistent and effective message to our families in helping to keep our kids safe and positive on Social Media.
For many parents, it is a daunting and seemingly impossible task to monitor and protect their children on the Internet. You made this task both manageable and easy to do for parents who now feel empowered and confident.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise with our school community. We hope to see you back soon.
Sincerely, Rick Paolozzi, Principal, St. Jean Brebeuf School – Calgary, Alberta
November 2016
“The presentation was informative and eye-opening. Our students were the most attentive I’ve ever seen them in an assembly. Next time we’ll make sure we include a parent presentation as well.” Ann Gilmore, Principal – District School Board of Niagara
“We really appreciated the time you take to deliver this message. Every time I attend one of your sessions, I learn more. Your topics are so relevant to us. Most importantly, I value the manner in which you present the material both to children and, especially, to the parents.The teachers in attendance talked about their learning in the staff room the next day with others.” Todd Acaster, Principal – Niagara District School Board
October 2016
“Thank you so much for being at Calgary French & International School yesterday. Your sessions were very well received and there is still a buzz in the school today talking about your messages. I have had the opportunity to hear other presenters speak on the topic of Social Networking Safety and what I really appreciated about your presentation was that you completely suspend your own ego in the interest of delivering the important messages. Your messages are somewhat blunt but that is what we need to hear to keep our students, our children and ourselves safe in this technologically enriched social networking world.” Mme M Dorrance, Head of School, Calgary French & International School
“Paul Davis exceeded our expectations! His presentation style was professional, personable, enlightening and extremely entertaining. The information he provided was essential for all parents who want a safe and secure cyberspace for their children. Paul’s messages were sobering and provoked much pause for thought in this ever-changing virtual world in which we live. Paramount were his cautionary tales for educators and parents to be wary and wise when it comes to allowing children access to the worldwide web and our responsibility to keep them safe. I wholeheartedly recommend Paul as a presenter for any school community wishing to engage parents in this critical conversation that will have a long lasting impact on all involved.” – Dean Younger, Principal, St. Thomas the Apostle CES, Waterdown, Ont, HWCDSB
September 2016
“Great to have you back in our school! Your talk last year provoked more dialogue between students and parents and more positive feedback to our school than any other event!” Cathy Ziegler, Principal, Ecole Airdrie, Middle School – Airdrie, Alberta
“You recently (June 2016) came to Ridgeway Crystal Beach High School and talked to our Junior classes (9 & 10). The students loved your presentation and would like to ask you back sometime this school year.”
Greg shaubel, Ridgeway Crystal Beach High School, DSBN
August 2016
“Had the pleasure of listening to Paul speak yesterday. If you have kids, I can’t urge you strongly enough to attend one of his presentations. I considered (past tense intentional) my self reasonably Web- and tech-savvy and had my mind blown by how little I actually knew about my family’s online security. Common sense rules the day, but you don’t know what you don’t know.” Attendee from Samsung Canada / Sons & Daughters Day / Who Kindly Posted this on their Facebook Page!
June 2016
“Paul presented to us 2 years ago and we asked him to come back again because we have heard many different internet safety presentations over the years but Paul’s is by far the best. He doesn’t sugar coat it – he tells it like it is and we need to hear it like it is in order to stay safe.” Bev Tratnik, VP, Second Street PS, Toronto
April 2016
“Thank you for one of the most effective presentations ever at St Stephen yesterday! (April 30)” Laura, Teacher at St Stephen, Woodbridge – posted to her twitter feed.
“I am working evenings and was unable to attend tonightHowever I walked through the door and was bombarded with my daughter explaining everything she learned today. She talked non stop for an hour, took my phone educated me on the do’s and don’ts of social mediaIf I had explained all this to her she would look at me like I was from Mars.However, today was an eye opener and from what I understand an eye opener to many people.So thank you for setting this up. My daughter is social media savvy and educated today hopefully making her safer in the world and in her surroundings. Many thanks”This parent email sums up the impact of your presentation to the students at Cairine Wilson. They are better prepared for the world of social media with their portable electronic devices with the tips and advice that you provided them. Tom Macartney, Principal, Cairine Wilson, Ottawa
March 2016
“This was my third time listening to it (1. L’Essor High School 2. St. Antoine Elementary School 3. St. Marguerite d’Youville—all French schools in Tecumseh, ON). It was great to see some new information and changes from your previous presentations (e.g. SnapChat). ” Mother, Front Row at St Marguerite / Windsor
Thank You Cont Lamont – This Tweet is from her THIRD presentation of the day! LaSalle, Ontario
February 2016
“It was sincerely a pleasure to have you come to Dunlace to speak to both the students and the parents. The school has been ‘buzzing’ this morning about it, and there have been many, many parents complimenting the content and presentations. It was certainly impactful” Principal, Dunlace PS, Toronto District School Board
January 2016
“I heard you gave an amazing talk at Leo Baeck North. How would we go about trying to book you for Leo Baeck South? We would love to have you.” – VP, Leo Baeck South Campus
“We had an overwhelming positive response from our students, and especially our parents, who so appreciated receiving this information. We feel this was one of our best, and most important presentations we have had here at the school. ” Foothills Academy, Calgary – Alberta
November 2015
Comments from the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board PIC Conference:
- Wow! Fantastic Speaker! Extremely knowledgeable!
- Excellent delivery by Paul Davis
- Wow, amazing! Excellent Information
- Amazing. Straight shooter. Awesome presentation. Very informative.
- Very informative, useful and a ‘must hear’ for all parents and educators! Superb!!
October 2015
“The information that you pass on to the students and parents is so valuable. Thank you for coming to speak to us” Principal, St Rita, Brampton ONT (my second visit to her school in two years)
July 2015
“I’ve been to many learning sessions before and they have all been very informative for my role as an Officer, but this session by far is the one with the most value that I have received so far. I find myself having learned a lot of information that I can use as an officer at work and also having learned information on how to protect myself and the people that I care about in my personal life as well. ” Border Services Officer / Passenger Operations District / Canada Border Services Agency / Government of Canada
“You were articulate, informative and hilarious! You really know your stuff!” Border Services Officer / Canada Border Services Agency / Government of Canada
April 2015
“This was my second time seeing you” Katrina, Mom at CTK
“Best 80min that I have invested in my children’s lives” Sandra, Mom at CTK
February 2015
“Thank you for meeting with our students and parent community yesterday. You were amazing! Your presentations were very well received yesterday by both parents and students. The verbal feedback I heard from parents was very positive. You really made us think about how important it is to protect your online presence… I definitely will recommend you to my Principal colleagues.” Vice Principal, Westmount Collegiate Institute
“Your presentation was so powerful!” Teacher, St Alfred
“Thank You for empowering me as a parent!” Mother, St Alfred
January 2015
“Thank you Paul, all presentations and evening session were a great success- kids staff and Parents are talking about it today!!!” Principal, St Luke, Waterloo (day after the presentation)
“This presentation should be seen by all students who are given access to Social Media, and it is a must be seen by all parents who give their children these powerful devices.” Principal, St Jean Brebeuf
“You had a very commanding presence and students hung on every word. It was one of the most informative presentations” Teacher, St Joan of Arc, Calgary
“Bottom line – would I have him back – YES
Would I recommend him to another school – YES ” Principal, West Dalhousie, Calgary
December 2014
“You really connect with them” Principal, St Clare @YCDSB – commenting on my Grade 7/8 presentation.
November 2014
“Excellent!. Engaging, relevant, captivating. You were able to tailor your message to the various age groups. You must come back.” Principal, Al-Sadiq School
“Fantastic Once Again! Lean something new everytime. Glad I brought 2 more people with me tonight” Mother, Dalewood PS
“Thank You for inspiring my 15yr old to tell me to come this evening!”, Anne – Wakefield, Quebec
October 2014
“Could listen to Paul for hours and hours – he has so much valuable information – thank you.” Participant – University of Toronto, Family Care
“Wonderful! So much information. My Grade 9 boy was fascinated and he came home talking about it! Thank You!”, Parent – All Saints Secondary – Whitby Ontario
Letter of Appreciation / Reference – Ontario Provincial Police.
File on Hand for Education Institutions to Review… An honour to recieve!
September 2014
August 2014
“I was blown away by your content and your passion for what you do!! Your presentation is one that every parent should attend!” L. Meyers, Provincial Constable, Security Bureau, Ontario Provincial Police
“I drove to Orillia yesterday for your presentation at the OPP HQ, it was well worth it!” OPP Officer who drove from Renfrew Ontario to Orillia Ontario (4hrs)
June 2014
May 2014
“Paul Davis comes to our schools at a crucial time in the lives of our students. He talks to the students in a no nonsense way… he tells them the truth about the dangers related to social networks, online and offline video gaming, and other web based applications. He also takes the time to tell them about electronic etiquette, which most of our students unfortunately know very little about.
Letter of Reference : Calgary Police Cyber Crimes Division Officer.
April 2014
“Thank You again for presenting at AllenbyPS. Students, staff and parents were very impressed (and also surprised). Principal, Allenby PS, TDSB
March 2014
“Thank you Paul, your presentation was outstanding. I just finished sending an email to a colleague recommending you.” Principal, Chatham-Kent Secondary School, Chatham
“Awesome” Principal, Kind Edward School – Windsor / WECDSB
“Please book us again for next year” Principal, Valley Creek School – Calgary, CBE
“Great talk.. as an 9-1-1 operator, I deal DAILY with the effects of cyber-bullying” Parent, Saint-Antoine, Windsor / French Catholic School Board
February 2014
“I have had the opportunity to listen to Paul’s presentation four times over the past four years. His message to students, staff and parents is always based on current data in regard to social media influence. Paul is direct with his message as he encourages his audience to reflect and make changes in order to protect our most vulnerable… our children. I highly recommend having Paul present to all school communities.
His message will make a difference in the lives of our students.” Principal, Father Henri Nouwen Catholic School, YCDSB
January 2014
“I would like to thank you for your very engaging presentation to the students and parents. We have received many positive comments from parents whose children came home after school and asked them to attend your presentation in the evening. Your
“Tough Love” approach struck a cord with everyone where we, as adults, too, needed to reflect on our own behaviours when using social media. What I particularly liked about your presentation is how you challenged the parents to hold themselves
accountable in ensuring that their children are using social networks sites that are age appropriate. I would highly recommend you to all of my colleagues.” H Tinnes – Principal, WRDSB
“You definitely hit a nerve with them. After your session one of the Gr. 8 girls came to me and asked me to help her check her privacy settings”. Vice Principal, Alexander Muir PS
December 2013
“Paul, It was a real pleasure having you at L’Essor. The parents are still talking about your presentation and how it changed their outlook on social media.” Jeanne – Directrice, ÉCOLE SECONDAIRE CATHOLIQUE L’ESSOR – Tecumseh, Ontario
November 2013
“Hi Paul, I would sincerely like to thank you for your presentation. The students, staff, and parents appreciated the information you shared with them. I would definitely welcome the opportunity to have you come back to the school in the future.” Marc – Directeur, ÉCOLE STE-URSULE
” I really enjoyed your presentation last evening, Paul and will be including some of your tips in the school newsletter. Feedback from teachers at Fenside was that your rapport with and messages for the students, were excellent!” Principal, Fenside P.S. Toronto
“I’m so glad I took the time to attend your presentation. It was Excellent. Thank You for sharing your expertise with us” Parent, L’Essor High School – Tecumseh, Ontario
October 2013
“Paul Davis is a fantastic speaker who can really connect with students of all ages. It was so nice to see such a refreshing take on the topic of online safety. Paul’s no-nonsense approach with the students works by helping them to truly understand the risks involved with their everyday use of social media. My grade 7 & 8 students were hooked for the entire 45 minute presentation! Thank you Paul for the work that you do. It has left a lasting impact on my students and will definitely make them think twice before opening any kind of account or posting any kind of media online.” – TCDSB Teacher
“Paul’s presentation was powerful. He delivered a message to our students that invoked shock, and deep reflection about the cyber-connected world that they live in today. He commanded their respect, and they all walked away having learned something important about responsible online citizenship. In the evening, Paul also presented to our parent community. The event was well attended, and the messages were very thought-provoking. The parents who attended felt that Paul’s presentation is so valuable, that it is one that should not be missed…we are looking to bring Paul back to JRR again in 2014.” – Vice Principal, JRR, Toronto District School Board
September 2013
“We are excited to see/hear the presentation that many schools have promoted as excellent” – Principal, Calgary Board of Education
“The student presentation was fabulous!” – Vice Principal, R.L. Graham Public School
August 2013
Even during the summer months, it’s great to get emails from those who have attended my presentations:
“Hi Paul, We were fortunate to hear you speak at Bishop Pinkham School in Calgary and you mentioned you were coming back to Calgary in September. I would LOVE to bring some of my “mom” friends with me as I told them how AMAZING your presentation was. I was wondering if you are still coming and how would we get more information? Thanks so much, Sincerely, Lydia – Parent in Calgary Alberta
June 2013
Feedback from a another parent, Calgary Alberta
“Thank you again for such a phenomenal parent session on Social Networking Safety at Tom Baines Junior High. It should somehow be made mandatory before any child or adult is equipped with a technological device! I am extremely appreciative to have been enlightened by your expertise and passion to share it with interested parents and students. It was your effective and dynamic presentation which captivated my daughter’s attention and her raving interest about your talk at Branton Junior High that ensured I would not miss another opportunity to hear you speak at Tom Baines (missed the adult session offered at Branton)”
May 2013
“Paul’s presentation was outstanding! I went in the role of principal as well as a parent of a 9 year old daughter. After listening to Paul I made some significant changes to my personal relationship with electronics and the internet. Listening to Paul also “alerted” me to the increased awareness that I now need to have as a principal in order to keep my students safe. When Paul spoke to the students, I am certain that not one child even blinked! They hung on his every word and many told me afterwards about personal changes that they made for themselves after learning from Paul. Thank you Paul for your passion and for having such a significant impact on the safety of our children. We look forward to having you back next year!”
Principal, Port Weller Public School NDSB
“The kids wee in awe and speechless until they left and then they couldn’t stop talking. Powerful presentation. Thanks for the honesty. Principal, Cherrywood, NDSB
“Fantastic. We need to have you here every year!” Parent, John Ross Robertson, TDSB
April 2013
“Your presentation to the students was very informative. The students at St Jude told me they thought it was the best presentation they had ever seen” Teacher, St Jude CES, Mississauga
” I had a tear in my eye when I was tucking him into bed tonight and he looked at me and said “I now know why you won’t let me play “those” games. You are trying to keep me safe”. I owe all of that to you. Keep doing what you are doing!!!! You are making a difference in all of our children’s lives and for that I thank you.”, Mother & School Volunteer, Niagara Area PS
“I teach nigh school and can totally relate / understand what you are talking about! Great presentation – every parent should see it” (happy face). Mother and Teacher, Ottawa PS
March, 2013
“Paul Davis brought two very thought provoking and informative presentations to our parent community and to our students, bringing a message of heightened awareness of our roles and responsibilities in keeping our families safe as the world of social media becomes more complex. Along with helpful advice, Paul Davis provides a message of empowerment in a call for greater parental involvement in the use of social media and the internet on the home front and beyond.” – Principal and Vice Principal of St. Fidelis Catholic School, TCDSB
“The presentation by Paul was engaging, well-organized & grabbed the attention of all students & staff. Paul was able to dissect the intricacies of the Social Media piece & really questioned the students on their use & necessity of information that they share in a respectful manner. Paul answered questions & stayed after the presentation to chat with students. The staff were shocked with the information that is available when children post certain things. This is a must see for all students (Gr. 6-12), staff as well as parents.” Principal – Mother Teresa Elementary, Niagara Catholic
February 2013
“Amazing! Best Presentation on Safety I’ve seen at our school. Loved the Student / Speaker interaction” – Teacher, YCDSB
“The presentation for both the kids and parents were Excellent” Social Worker, NDSB
“I had no idea how much I would get out of this presentation! Very Good!” Parent, Vineland School NDSB
“Excellent content. Relevant. Well Delivered” Parent, Mother Teresa CES, TCDSB
January 2013
” The staff and parents who heard you speak were so impressed by your knowledge, presentation style and information. Your message is so critically important and I want to thank you for sharing with our parents, staff and students.” Principal, Bearspaw Christian School
“I think it was one of the best presentations we have ever had. It was very thought provoking and should have put up a lot of flags for the students.” Paulette, Teacher – CES Calgary
“Very informative and thought provoking. Paul is passionate about Internet Safety and he challenges parents to act like parents and supervise their children when using technology.” Mike B., Principal – Christ The King CES, Calgary
Your presentation was informative for parents, students and teachers. We need to embrace technology but teach our children to use it safely. The internet provides our children with no room for error. We cannot simply, not allow them to use it, but teach them to be smart about it. My children are younger but the future is inevitable, better to set the rules now and have them in place. I learned so much about iphone safety and wireless safety. Thanks so much.
I loved that you were straight up, called parents on their choices and held people accountable for their responsibilities at home while delivering the facts. Brilliant! Thank you! A must see for parents of any aged children… Thanks again
Alison (Teacher / Parent)
November 2012
Parenting today is a difficult job as the culture and technology influencing our children needs to be understood and filtered. Paul walked that path with our parents and through open discussion enabled our parents to gain insight and skills in being the parent our children need them to be. Thank you from the Our Lady of the Annunciation Catholic School Community!
Mr Drago
Principal, Our Lady of the Annunciation Elementary School
September 2012
“Many parents were surprised to hear how their children have been empowered with tools that can reach beyond the scope of their understanding and that these technological devices may in fact affect their future career aspirations.” – Principal, Notre Dame CES
“Awesome Presentation” – Parent / John Bosco
“Very informative” – Parent / John Bosco
“Excellent presentation, Paul – Very informative and clearly articulated” – Parent / John Bosco
June 2012
“Thank You for not beating around the bush and speaking to the seriousness of what they take part in”. Teacher, Our Lady of Good Voyage CES
Paul Davis presented indispensable information in an easily accessible, honest and informal format that was practical and relevant for our community. His message about Internet safety, with an emphasis on family values, is an important one that all parents should regard. – Our Lady of Lourdes CES
April 2012
“Excellent presentations today!” Principal,Hagersville Secondary
“Fantastic Presentation, Very Informative. Thank You for making the trip down, much appreciated” Officer Birch, Windsor Police.
“Thank you Paul for coming to present at our school last Tuesday. You had a huge impact on our students” Vice-Principal, Avalon P.S.
“An excellent presentation! As parents and educators, this was very worthwhile” Parent/Teacher, Hagersville
March 2012
“You made us aware of our responsibility to participate on-line both safely and respectfully, and you also described the potential consequences of careless on-line behaviour. You emphasized the parents’ important role in monitoring their children’s’ on-line activities. You suggested many ways to help families incorporate technology into their homes in a way that protects their children’s’ safety and privacy.” – Principal – Dufferin Peel
“An eye opener. Excellent Information!” – Parent, St Nicolas
“Excellent presentation – information provided was great! Excellent speaker – I believe this should be a yearly presentation to parents and children” – Parent, John the Baptist
“Very informative.. as a teacher and as a parent” – Techer/Parent, Anderson PS
“Thank you for the very informative evening, and for sharing your knowledge with the children today” Parent, Jack Miner PS
“Thank you so much for coming to speak yesterday. I personally learned so much from hearing you at all presentations. When you speak, I hear the passion you have for this topic which is so awesome. There are very few fathers these days that are committed the way you are in caring about what our children are doing with their time. Your children will thank you for that some day. – Parent Council Chair, GESB District
February 2012
January 2012
“Thanks so much for all your info. You were articulate and informative. My son talked about your presentation at dinner and made me aware of how beneficial it was for the students” – Parent – Holy Family
“Excellent presentation” – Parent, St Gregory The Great
December (Week of December 19th), 2011
“Paul, Thank You for taking the time to share your enlightening presentation to the youth at Monsignor Fraser College. We look forward to future endeavours. “
Delvio Parent Child Clinic
“Absolutely fabulous- the teachers AND students were totally engrossed in Paul’s ‘to the point’ presentations. As he revealed more and more about how Facebook and other social networking sites work, his audience quickly realized how little they really know about this seemingly innocuous medium. Our students walked away well informed and ready to protect themselves in this ever expanding era of cyber communication …”
G. Woloshyn, VP – IONA Catholic Secondary School,
November (Week of November 28th)
“There is lots of buzz in the staff-room today from the teachers who heard your presentation in the gym yesterday and in the library last night. You’ve made a big impact.” C. Allen, Principal – St Nicholas Catholic Elementary School
Paul Davis’ presentation to our students, staff and parents was thought provoking and increased our collective awareness of the need for adult guidance in keeping our children safe as they learn to use technology responsibly and ethically. Students as well as parents have already made changes! D’Arcine Thompson, Principal, Convent Glen Catholic School
November (Week of November 21), 2011
As I said that night I know it had an impact on staff, students and parents after…. It was one of the presentations that they kept talking about even days after. Your delivery was very strong and effective with our audience. The teachers and parents were a part of the presentation which kept them involved. I think your perspective as a Dad was also important for the parents to hear. Overall, one of the best presentations on Online Safety that I have experienced.
C. Mondelli, Principal – Holy Rosary Catholic School